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4 Design Tips When Installing Heating and Cooling Units in Your Commercial Building

21 November 2022

Business operations often take place in commercial buildings since they can often be modified according to their primary purposes. For instance, a commercial building may be converted into a warehouse, allowing a company to store a wide range of products. Commercial buildings can also integrate multiple businesses in one area.

These buildings, however, should always utilise heating and cooling units throughout their operations. No matter what their purposes are, commercial buildings should be equipped with these units to effectively regulate their indoor temperatures. By providing the right air conditioning and quality, everyone inside these facilities can feel comfortable and productive. These crucial units can also help prevent equipment and machines from getting damaged.

If you will be equipping your commercial building with heating and cooling units, here are some tips you can follow to design them effectively.

1. Integrate Building Features

One design tip when installing heating and cooling units in your building is to integrate its core features. Knowing the features of your building can help pick the right type of heating and cooling unit. These features include its structural materials, the number of openings for the natural light to get in, and ventilation. The amount of space available for the heating and cooling unit installation should also be accounted for to avoid any issues along the way. These features can then be adjusted and subsequently integrated into the selected heating and cooling system.

2. Opt for the Correct Sizing

The sizing of your heating and cooling units does not only involve their physical dimensions. It also entails their capacity to provide the needed air inside your building, which can be determined by their internal components. Undersizing and oversizing your building’s heating and cooling units, after all, will only make its space too warm or too cold. They may also draw too much energy until they become faulty. Your units can be sized correctly once you have identified the square footage of your building and your load requirements.

3. Optimise Power Expenditure

When installing heating and cooling units in your commercial building, you must ensure they will only use a minimal amount of energy. Newer models of heating and cooling units are often designed to be energy efficient. However, failure to modify your building will only push them to consume more power. To optimise power expenditure inside your building, you must incorporate improvements to your property like adding insulation in your walls, installing tinted glass windows, and replacing sealing on your doors and windows.

4. Take Advantage of Zoning

One more design tip that you must do when installing heating and cooling units is to take advantage of zoning. Zoning is often maximised by building owners to effectively control the amount of air their rooms and spaces receive during specific times. Through zoning, heating and cooling units will stop sending warm or cold air to unoccupied rooms. But once they are occupied again, the heating or cooling system can then supply them with their needed air. Zoning helps regulate the operation of the system units as well as conserve energy.

If you need help with the installation of a heating and cooling system in your commercial building, just contact us at Redrock Contracting.

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