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Everything You Need to Know About Compressed Air Piping Installation

10 May 2022

Most commercial and industrial buildings today are equipped with utilities needed for their main operations. From water to electricity, they require these things so they can maintain the operations of their machines. They likewise need them to maintain cleanliness and hygiene inside their premises.

But another utility that some buildings have to utilise is compressed air. Industrial buildings, in particular, require compressed air so they can provide enough power to various tools such as wrenches, drills, hammers, paint equipment, and other automated devices and machines. This source of energy is often picked by many business owners since it is much safer and easier to regulate than batteries and steam.

The Importance of Compressed Air Piping System

Since business owners utilise compressed air as part of their daily operations, a compressed air piping system is necessary to regulate this source of power. Machines and equipment pieces can be powered by compressed air conveniently once a piping system is in place.

What is special about a compressed air piping system is it can distribute the right amount of compressed air to various parts of a building. Its components are likewise designed to achieve optimal transfer of compressed air, preventing any wasteful loss of power source. With the help of a reputable company, building owners can expect their compressed air piping system to be designed and installed optimally. And with their services, the system can remain efficient and productive for a long time.

Installing Compressed Air Piping System Properly

When professionals conduct the installation of the compressed air piping system, they should follow several things to ensure the success of the system.

For one, they should consider the material of the pipes. The pipes utilised for the system can affect its efficiency and longevity. And since the system has to deal with compressed air, the materials used for it should be durable. They must also be resistant to damages like corrosion and deterioration. Some materials that can be used for system pipes are aluminium, PVC, and steel.

Another thing to consider when installing a compressed air piping system is its dimensions. The size of the pipes heavily depends on the application of a building. Pipes can be freely shortened and extended. But when it comes to their diameter and width, installers can have a difficult time altering their specifications. Knowing the demand for compressed air is a notable step in sizing the pipes correctly.

Two more things that must be considered when installing a compressed air piping system are the layout and the fittings. The layout of the compressed air piping system must depend heavily on the size and shape of the industrial plant. If a building has long and narrow dimensions, it must utilise a linear piping layout. A ring-main piping layout, alternatively, is recommended for a square-shaped factory. The fittings, ultimately, should not have sharp angles to prevent wasting energy.

Acquire Quality Services from Redrock Contracting

If you need help with compressed air system installation, you can contact us at Redrock Contracting. Our professional service spans over 20 years’ worth of experience in gas and pipework as we specialise in complex gas work and connections to high-pressure type B appliances.

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