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Common Design Mistakes Your Commercial Ductwork Must Not Have

07 February 2023

Commercial buildings must be equipped with quality cooling and heating units so their interiors will remain comfortable throughout their building lifespan. They should also utilise these units to allow employees to work productively and let visitors feel cosy inside these properties.

But to make sure that these units can become more effective, these buildings should be equipped with ductwork. Ductwork refers to a network of ducts that can transport air from heating and cooling units. These ducts can also allow ventilation units to pressurise the indoor air, a force outside air into the building, and conduct other operations. Given the importance of ductwork, they must be designed and installed carefully.

Effects of Poorly Designed Commercial Ductwork

Commercial ductwork, as mentioned earlier, must be designed and installed carefully. Hence, building owners like you should prioritise their overall design. Without designing and installing the ducts optimally, they can generate the following issues.

• Bizarre Noises: Poorly designed commercial ductwork may produce bizarre whistling sounds as the cooling and heating units operate. These noises are produced if the ducts are constricted, which prevents them from accommodating the air coming from the said units. As time passes, the pressure from the air may build up inside the ductwork, producing high-pitched noise and raising energy bills.

• Hot and Cold Spots: Some areas of your property may need to be cooled to make their operations successful. Others, alternatively, must be warm to prevent production issues. Now, if your building is bombarded with random hot and cold spots, it only means that your ductwork has sizing and sealing problems.

• Pest Infestation: Insects and rodents should be far from your commercial ductwork if you want to protect your occupants from diseases. But if your ducts are filled with pests, it means that they have holes or leaks. They may also have openings that have allowed them to enter. As their number increases, they might eventually damage your cooling and heating units. They can also affect the air quality of your building as they may generate foul odours, harmful elements, and others.

Commercial Ductwork Common Design Mistakes

To prevent these issues, your ductwork should not maximise the following mistakes.

• Undersizing: The ducts used for your ductwork should boast sizes that can match your heating or cooling units, the load requirements of your building spaces, the location of the ducts and the units, and the materials used for their construction.

• Long Runs: Long runs of ducts must also be avoided when designing your ductwork. Doing this, after all, will only force your heating or cooling units to run excessively, which may only push them to consume more energy. Long runs may also compromise the quality and temperature of the air that is meant to be transported to various rooms and spaces.

• Sharp Bends: Airflow may also be impeded if your ducts have sharp bends. Too sharp bends will only decrease the amount of air that may reach your building spaces, preventing them from getting cooled or warmed accordingly.

• Leaks: Sealing is a crucial part of ductwork. Hence, you must ensure that the ducts will be sealed and closed optimally. If not, the air from heating or cooling units will only escape in random areas in your property, leading to hot and cold spots.

At Redrock Contracting, we can ensure that your commercial ductwork will be designed and installed effectively. We can make sure that your ducts will be located in the right places. We can also ensure that they are fabricated based on your requirements and will be fitted with the best sealing and supports.

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